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Congress Awards

Congress Awards

1. Top score abstract award

The best abstract award is given to an abstract whose abstract gets a high score from the judging team. At first, the three people who got the highest score are selected by the scientific committee and re-examined. Among the abstracts, the abstract that got the highest score is selected.


The best abstract awards are given to the best abstracts at the annual meeting of Royan International Hybrid Twin Congress ( reproductive biomedicine and stem cell biology and technology) which the winners will receive a certificate and monetary award. Awards are awarded between the two Congresses by the President of the Congress.

The society has always sought a means by which to encourage young investigators to present their research at our meeting. We anticipate the Award will result in the submission of more and better abstracts by the very people who need encouragement to consider a research career.


2. Best poster award

Every year the presented posters are reviewed and judged by more than three judges. The poster presenter will summarize their work in 2-3 minutes and then present the poster to the judges' questions in 7-8 minutes maximum. Judges will score the poster with an emphasis on presentation. This award is given to the person who receives the highest score from the judging team.


Evaluating the posters, the following criteria will be followed:

1. Abstracts should not exceed 350 words and should be submitted using a standard electronic abstract form.

2. You may submit more than one abstract, but you must be the first-author of the abstract.

3. quality of the research in terms of theoretical and methodological aspects

4. originality of the work presented

5. added value of the research in terms of “closing a gap” in knowledge

6. how the research is contextualised, locally and/or globally

7. design and originality of poster layout in relation to its contents

8. quality of the poster presentation


The best posters awards are given to the best posters presented at the annual meeting of Royan International Hybrid Twin Congress ( reproductive biomedicine and stem cell biology and technology) and the winners will receive a certificate and gift. Awards are awarded between the two Congresses by the President of the Congress.

It is very important that the presenter be present at their poster at the beginning of the poster session and remains there during the poster session. If the performer is not in his poster when the judges enter, the poster will not be judged and the performer will not be eligible to receive the award.


3. Best audience award

This award is given to the person who answers all the questions correctly after listening to all the presentations. Participants' answers will be reviewed by more than three judges, and the award will be given to the person who receives the highest score from the judging team.

The best audience awards are given to the best audience at the annual meeting of Royan International Hybrid Twin Congress ( reproductive biomedicine and stem cell biology and technology) which the winners will receive a certificate and gift. Awards are awarded between the two Congresses by the President of the Congress.


4. Best poster reader award

This award is given to the best answers given to the questions raised in line with the congress posters that receive the highest score from the judging team.

The answers of the people who answer all the questions correctly after reading all the posters will be checked by more than three judges. This award is given to the person who receives the highest score from the judging team.


The Best poster reader awards are given to the Best poster reader  at the annual meeting of Royan International Hybrid Twin Congress ( reproductive biomedicine and stem cell biology and technology) which the winners will receive a certificate and gift. Awards are awarded between the two Congresses by the President of the Congress.