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Submission Guidelines

Submission Guidelines

. Abstract Submission Deadline is  5 May 2025
. Abstract Submission is Free of Charge.
. Each person can submit at most 3 abstracts.
. Number of Authors for each abstract should not exceed 10 people.
. The corresponding Person’s email will be published in the congress electronic abstract book.
. Abstracts should contain original research.
. Abstracts must be Systematic Review or original.
. Abstracts must be complete, relevant and written in good English.
. The full abstract should contain 250 to 300 words.
. All words should be capitalized in the title and no abbreviations are allowed.

. A minimum of three and a maximum of five keywords are required.


Abbreviations should be defined in your text for the first time they appear.
 Example: ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology).


Please avoid complex mathematical formulas, tables, graphs, figures, and references.

The same research cannot be submitted twice, even under a different topic/category or with a different title.


If you do not receive the result of your abstract until the end of August 2024, please contact the congress secretariat immediately via congress@royan-rc.ac.ir.


After the abstract result, you must pay the registration fee.

If you do not click on the “submit” button (final step of the abstract submission service), your abstract will be saved in Draft Status. 

 Abstracts that are in draft status (incomplete) are not considered for congress.


Please note that the abstract presenter is listed as the first author in author affiliation.

There are no abstract edition services available before the congress. 


For any author affiliation edition request, please contact us after time via congress@royan-rc.ac.ir.


If you want to withdraw an abstract already submitted, please notify us before the congress deadline via congress@royan-rc.ac.ir stating the title and number of the abstract to be withdrawn. 

  • For more information, visit FAQ.